What to expect

✅ Bring a work task you need to get done, these sessions involves 25-minutes of focus

📹 Expect a cameras-on activity that will transform how you work

📺 Run on Zoom – make sure you’ve got the app installed

Part 1 – Experience the magic of virtual body doubling
Be introduced to the magic of body doubling—working in the presence of others to enhance focus, and be guided through techniques to help you put it into action. You’ll then experience body doubling first-hand as you dive into your chosen task for 25-minutes alongside a supportive community of fellow ADHDers. After the focused work session, we’ll guide you through a brief period of relaxation and invite you to reflect on your achievements and the quality of your focus.

Part 2 – Understanding the magic, and next steps
Unpack the science of ‘flow’ and uncover how this elusive state can transform not just your work, but your overall quality of life. Learn about the neuroscience behind deep focus, why multitasking is a myth, especially for ADHD minds, and how to use virtual body doubling to train ourselves to enter ‘the zone’ on command.

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