Friday 23 February 2024, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

The Poetry Society is proud to present an event from one of our very own Stanza groups, Rawanee, at The Poetry Café.

Get ready for an enchanting evening of poetic expression, from award winning and celebrated poets from across the UK and internationally. Following the success of multiple internationally participated poetry events last year, Rawanee presents their Multi-Stanza Poetry Night / Mehfil – a poetic convergence transcending borders. The event will host eight award winning and accomplished poets from across multiple Stanza groups of The Poetry Society, and residents across multiple locations including London, Kent, Cumbria, Cardiff, Islamabad, and Karachi. Join us in cherishing the beauty of words that know no boundaries. 

Among the performers are: Kathleen Jones – Margaret Beston – Shaheryar Mirza – Nadir Khan Feroz – Kelly Davis – Sara Davis – Hammad Rind – Muniba Mahmud. Book tickets through the Eventbrite page.

Stanzas are groups run voluntarily by Poetry Society members, and take a variety of forms. Some Stanzas meet to give feedback on each other’s poems in progress, some are poetry reading groups, some run impromptu open mic sessions. A lot meet locally – but a growing number gather online. Joining an existing Stanza or setting up a new one are great ways to meet like-minded poetry lovers and to develop your own poetry communities. Find out more and find a group near you here.

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