
Feb 18, 2024



Gazebo Theatre present


Directed by Tonia Daley-Campbell 

In the midst of a time of uncertainty, division and political unrest, a young woman wrestles with her own isolation and call to respond……

WANTED!  explores the stories of 5 extraordinary ordinary women who share a passion for standing up for what is right!

This powerful new play features an array of historical figures; Irena Sendler, who rescued more than 2,500 children from the Warsaw ghetto during the Nazi occupation; Olive Morris, British Black Panther and avid activist for women and squatters’ rights; Phoolan Devi, the fearsome Bandit Queen, and  Dr James Barry, a woman way ahead of her time,

Written by Tonia Daley-CampbellTherese Collins and Gazebo Artistic Director, Pamela Cole-Hudson, and featuring a cast of 5, WANTED is played out in Gazebo’s inimitable style; powerful drama littered with humour, honesty and heart.

‘We have to respond to what is happening. The only other option is to ignore it’

GAZEBO are a National Portfolio Organisation 2023-2026

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