The project

In brief: Peterborough Presents is looking for a Lead Artist/Creative(s) to work with young people in Westwood / Ravensthorpe, Peterborough, to create a series of short films or animations. The project will begin in April 2024 and culminate in September/October 2024.

Deadline: 24 March 2024

An overview of the commission is offered below, but please do access the full artist’s brief for all the details. This is available as a Word document or audio files. Please scroll down to find the relevant download buttons.

Some background information

Peterborough Presents is seeking an artist or collective to deliver a programme of work with young people aged 11-24 in Westwood & Ravensthorpe neighbourhood of Peterborough. The overall aim is to work with the young people to co-create a series of short films and/or animations.

During the process, we would like the young people to learn skills, have fun, experience new things, and create high quality artistic outputs that they can be proud of.

This project is delivered in partnership with Jack Hunt School, Cross Keys, Westraven Community Café and Garden, Peterborough Reads, and the YMCA.

Peterborough Presents have been working in Westwood/Ravensthorpe for 18 months. In that time we have created a mural, held a dog exhibition, a scavenger hunt, after school graffiti sessions, and a community picnic and cake parade.

Our most recent project involved partnering with Jack Hunt School, and working with Y11-13 students we co-created a Light Painting event and doodle workshop.

Through weekly breakfast clubs, students led on designing and shaping the event: signing up young people to take part, serving refreshments, choreographing their photoshoots, participating at the event, and designing the doodles to go on top. Following this, they decided what they would love to do next is create some short films, possibly involving animation or more light painting.

The job role (creative brief)

The young people we have spoken to are interested in:

– learning skills in animation, filmmaking, editing, and perhaps more light painting

– having access to equipment or opportunities which are new to them

– a project that allows everyone to participate even if they don’t want to be in the spotlight

– something that makes them go “wow that’s cool”, something they can be proud of

– something that they can put on their CV, especially transferrable skills that are relevant for non-creative sectors

This commission is open and there are no set themes, stories, or styles of filmmaking. You can apply with a particular theme or story in mind if you have one, or keep it open but share your ideas for how you will shape the content for the films with the young people. The main requirement is we are looking for a creative who has experience in co-creating a project with people and empowering them to creatively contribute.

We would like the project to happen through a combination of in-school and after-school activities. At the end of the project, we’d like to host a launch party premier for the films to be showcased with the local community.

A community panel made up of local young people will choose which projects happen and support the overall delivery of the events.

Artists’ requirements: We are looking for artists:

– To work with the Peterborough Presents team and members of the community to further develop your ideas

– To create and deliver creative accessible activity that allows young people to create or shape the final event / artwork. The Peterborough Presents team will work with the artist to help schedule any workshops.

– To work closely with the Peterborough Presents team to identify the locations and logistics for the final output.

– To provide equipment and technology where possible, or support Peterborough Presents in sourcing relevant equipment (any purchases or hires will come out of the materials budget below)

– To work alongside the Peterborough Presents team to produce and deliver the final outputs. This includes identifying different ways that the community can get involved in its delivery.

– To ensure that the project is delivered in line with our safeguarding and health and safety policies.

– To work with Peterborough Presents Access Coordinator to make sure the event is accessible to everyone especially those who are disabled, Deaf and/or neurodivergent.

Our artist briefs below are hosted on a google drive. When you click on the buttons to access the brief, you can download them by clicking “File” on the top left on the screen, and clicking download.

Download the full artists brief here (text version)

Download the full artists brief here (18pt text version)

Audio file – Background Info about the Commission

Audio file – Artist Brief, criteria, budget and timeline

Audio File – About Peterborough Presents

Audio file – How to apply

Selection Criteria

Who we are looking for:

– Artists or Creatives who specialise in filmmaking or animation. Any style / specialism within these disciplines

– Artists or Creatives with at least 3 years’ experience of working with communities

– Artists or Creatives with experience of producing work for a variety of audiences

– Artists or Creatives who are confident to be on the ground meeting people and running activity

– Artists or Creatives with some experience of Project Management / Creative Producing

– We particularly welcome applications from artists who have a personal connection to the area / region.

– Artists or Creatives who are passionate about helping people to tell their stories or express opinions.

– Artists or Creatives with experience of delivering high quality engagement as well as high quality artistic outputs.

Peterborough Presents is committed to championing diversity in all its forms, particularly those who are underrepresented in the arts. We welcome the unique contributions that artists from all walks of life can bring in terms of their education, culture, ethnicity, race, sex, gender identity and expression, nation of origin, age, languages spoken, religion, disability, sexual orientation, and personal beliefs and opinions.


Artists payment and expenses:

– £4000 payable in monthly instalments

– An expenses budget (including travel and accommodation) of up to £500

Production costs (materials, sound / lighting / materials costs):

– £4000: this must include any filming equipment, props and materials, editing software, post-production, venue hire, or any other materials associated with making the project happen

– Peterborough Presents will make any purchases outright where possible, rather than expecting the artist to front the costs, as well as supporting the expenditure budgeting

– An additional £2000 is available to support the Launch Party of the films


– We are open to the budget being divided up differently but this is the total budget available.

– We anticipate that Lead Artists/Creatives will spend approx. 15-20 days working on the project.

– Fees are inclusive of any costs associated with creating the work.

– We have a separate budget for marketing and access support for audience / participants.

– Artists must have their own Public Liability Insurance and be registered as self-employed.

– Artists must also be available to take part in reflective and evaluative discussions about their work, during and at the end of the project.


Closing Date for Applications: Sunday 24 March 2024

Artists Selected: week of 25 March, notified by week of 1 April

Project runs April – August 2024 (we anticipate this will predominantly be during term time, with the summer holidays for any post-production)

Launch Party: by September 2024 (we anticipate this will be guided by the young people and their ability to commit over the summer holidays)

Evaluation: September / October 2024

How To Apply

Please submit:

– A CV or biography
– 3 – 4 examples of your work
– Answer the questions below
– Complete a quick demographics survey (see link below)

We will accept applications using the following formats:

– A written application (e.g. word document or pdf)
– An audio application in mp3 or wav format
– A video application in mp4 format

Applications should be sent to:

The deadline for applications is Sunday 24th March 2024.

If you have any questions or would like to know more about this programme, please call/text us and we will arrange a chat.

Contact: Charley on 07435 985935 / 

Demographic Survey – please fill this in when you’re ready to apply!

Questions to answer in your application:

  1. Tell us about your recent experience as an artist. This can include any professional experience or paid work. (500 words or 5 minutes maximum)
  1. Tell us about a time where you have worked directly with communities to inform the work you were making. (300 words or 3 minutes max)
  1. Tell us about any initial ideas you have had and how you will approach this commission. (500 words or 5 minutes maximum)
  1. Why do you want to work on this young peoples project in Westwood / Ravensthorpe? (500 words or 5 minutes maximum)
  1. Please send us 3 – 4 examples of your work & links to websites/social media

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